What is TCC?
Hopkins equation method는 point source에 대한 회절 정보를 가지고 있으며 한번만 계산해두면 Mask 정보가 바뀌어도 새롭게 Source 및 Pupil에 대한 정보를 계산할 필요가 없는 방식입니다. 이는 미리 TCC를 만들어두고 계속 사용하는 방식입니다. 효율성 측면에선 OPC에 적합합니다 TCC가 계산되어 있으면 Aerial image에 대해서 쉽게 계산이 가능합니다.

Transmission cross-coefficient is a term used in the field of optics to describe the amount of light that passes through an optical system. Specifically, it refers to the ratio of the intensity of light transmitted through a given optical element to the intensity of light incident upon that element.
The transmission cross-coefficient is typically expressed as a percentage or as a decimal fraction between 0 and 1. A transmission coefficient of 1 means that all of the incident light is transmitted through the optical element, while a coefficient of 0 means that none of the incident light is transmitted.
Transmission cross-coefficients are commonly used in the design and evaluation of optical systems, as they provide important information about the efficiency and performance of individual components. They are particularly important in applications where the amount of light transmitted through an optical system is critical, such as in photovoltaic devices or optical communications systems.

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